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- Sextractor
- Simard11 Catalog
- Sofware and Skills
- SouthOpenClusters
- Staff Members
- Staff member
- Star cluster catalog
- Star cluster workshop
- Star formation history
- Students
- Telecon on galaxy pairs in MaNGA 2014/6/17
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:abstracts
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:accommodation
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:agenda
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:announcements
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:organization
- The-10th-c-manga-workshop:participants
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:abstracts
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:accommodation
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:agenda
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:announcements
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:logistics
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:participants
- The-9th-c-manga-workshop:transportation
- The 10th C-MaNGA workshop, Tsinghua, Dec 23-24, 2019
- The 9th C-MaNGA workshop, SHAO, June 21-22, 2019
- The Seo Landscape In 2011
- The VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies (VENGA): Radial Gas Inflow and Shock Excitation in NGC 1042
- The dynamical evolution of disc-fragmented multiple systems
- The stellar density of the Milky Way with LAMOST RGB stars
- Transformer
- Vaccine
- Wifi: SHAO Guest
- 作业1的提示
- 作业1答案,待完善
- 使用深度学习方法从星系图像中得出星系的形态信息
- 夏令营
- 已毕业学生
- 文献资源
- 星系close pair的光谱补充
- 星系尺度的演化
- 星系的演化与环境
- 星系金属丰度测量
- 机器学习培训
- 机器学习培训 通过测光信息推断暗晕质量和size
- 永远缅怀
- 第一期 2021.11-2021.12
- 读书会
- 银河画卷巡天
- 银河系结构模型的细化