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SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm

The Lecture Hall, The Third Floor of Astronomy Building

This is the wiki page for Astrophysics Colloquium at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. The colloquium language is usually English, unless otherwise stated (often due to some special reasons). If you would like to give a colloquium or invite someone to give a colloquium at SHAO, please contact one of the current members of the colloquium committee: Fulai Guo, Hong Guo, Juntai Shen.

Fall 2017

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 7 Mousumi Das (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) Low Surface Brightness Galaxies - their morphological classes and disk evolution Fulai Guo
Sep 14 Stijn Wuyts (Univ. of Bath) The Growth of Disks and Bulges Fulai Guo
Sep 18 Mike Rich (UC Los Angeles) New Observational Perspectives on the Galaxy's Central Bulge/Bar System Juntai Shen
Sep 21 Sandra Faber (UCSC) Toy model for the growth of black holes and galaxy quenching Juntai Shen
Sep 28 Ji-Wei Xie (Nanjing Univ) The scientific impact of the LAMOST on exoplanet research Fulai Guo
Oct 5 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 12 Xiaowei Liu (PKU) The LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-center Fulai Guo
Oct 19 Lia Athanassoula Martin Smith
Oct 26 Xian Chen (PKU) Hong Guo
Nov 2 Yifu Cai (USTC) Hong Guo
Nov 9 Taotao Fang (Xiamen Univ) Fulai Guo
Nov 16 Fulai Guo
Nov 23 Xu Kong (USTC) Hong Guo
Nov 30 Xiaohu Yang (SJTU) Juntai Shen
Dec 7 Jinlin Han (NAOC) Juntai Shen
Dec 14 Yong Shi (Nanjing Univ) Hong Guo
Dec 21 Zheng Zheng (Utah) Hong Guo
Dec 28 Liang Gao (NAOC) Juntai Shen
Jan 4
Jan 11 Hua Feng (Tsinghua) Fulai Guo
Jan 18
Jan 25

Spring 2017

Date Speaker Topic Host
Feb 16 Christine Wilson (McMaster) Observing Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Ting Xiao, Fulai Guo
Feb 23 No Colloquium
March 2 James Stone (Princeton) cancelled Feng Yuan, Fulai Guo
March 9 Di Li (NAOC) An Unprecedented Commensal Drift-Scan Survey with FAST Fulai Guo
March 16 Yipeng Jing (SJTU) 星系红移巡天 Juntai Shen
March 23 Alok Gupta (ARIES/SHAO) Multi-wavelength Time Domain Astronomy:

To Probe the Environs of Central Super Massive Black Hole of Blazars

Fulai Guo
March 30 Pengfei Chen (NJU) Observations and Modeling of Solar Coronal Waves Fu-Guo Xie
April 6 Jun Lin (Yunnan Observatories) Lin-Forbes Model for the Solar Eruption and the CME/Flare Current Sheet Juntai Shen
April 11 James Binney (Oxford) Special Colloquium: How did our Galaxy form? Martin Smith
April 13 Martin Bureau (Oxford) 3D Observations of Molecular Gas in Galaxies: From Global Dynamics to Supermassive Black Holes Juntai Shen
April 20 Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua) Supernova Zoo: Obervations and Theories Juntai Shen
April 27 Xi Kang (PMO) Galaxy formation and spatial alignment Fu-Guo Xie
May 4 Wei Cui (Tsinghua/Purdue) Probing Missing Baryons with X-ray Spectroscopy Juntai Shen
May 11 Xuefeng Wu (PMO) Testing Fundamental Physics With Fast Radio Bursts Fu-Guo Xie
May 18 Zigao Dai (NJU) Models for Fast Radio Bursts and Future Astrophysical Tests Fu-guo Xie
May 25 Zhanwen Han (Yunnan Observatories) Binary population synthesis and the formation of binary-related objects Juntai Shen
June 1 Jin Chang (PMO) 空间探测暗物质粒子 Fulai Guo
June 8 Linhua Jiang (KIAA/PKU) Properties of Spectroscopically-Confirmed Galaxies at z >= 6 Fu-Guo Xie
June 15 Qiang Yuan (PMO) Cosmic ray physics and dark matter searches with AMS-02 Fulai Guo
June 22 Junxian Wang (USTC) The UV/Optical Variation in Active Galactic Nuclei Fulai Guo
June 29 Xiang-Yu Wang (NJU) Multi-messenger approach to study the origin of high-energy cosmic rays Fu-Guo Xie

Fall 2016

Date Speaker Topic Host
Oct 20 Weiguang Cui (ICRAR/UWA) The MACRO simulated galaxy cluster project: The final chapter Fu-Guo Xie
Oct 27 Jun Zhang (CAA/SJTU) Recent Progress in Weak Lensing Measurement Fu-Guo Xie
Oct 28 Sandra Faber (UCSC) Fast vs. Slow: Galaxy Death at z ~ 2 vs. z ~ 0 (NEW TIME: 10 am) Fulai Guo
Nov 3 Neal Evans (UT Austin) What Determines Star Formation Rates? Fulai Guo
Nov 10 Richard (Dick) Manchester (CSIRO) Pulsars and FRBs: Recent Developments Fulai Guo
Nov 17 Houjun Mo (Tsinghua/UMass) Reconstructing the initial conditions to simulate the formation of the local universe Juntai Shen
Nov 24 Bin Luo (Nanjing Univ.) Cosmic Supermassive Black Hole Growth in the 7 Ms CDF-S Fulai Guo
Dec 1 Youjun Lu (NAOC) A short introduction to gravitational wave and gravitational wave astrophysics Fulai Guo
Dec 8 Peter Scicluna (ASIAA) Comparing radiative transfer models and observations of astrophysical dust Lei Hao
Dec 15 Siming Liu (PMO) Acceleration of high-energy particles in supernova remnants Fulai Guo
Dec 22 Shuang-Nan Zhang (IHEP) Testing Einstein’s Equivalent Principle with Fast Radio Bursts and

the Problem of Detecting Electromagnetic Waves from Merging Black Holes

Fulai Guo
Dec 29 Xiang-Dong Li (Nanjing Univ) Formation of Galactic Black Hole Low-Mass X-ray Binaries Fulai Guo
Jan 5, 2017 Shude Mao (Tsinghua/NAOC) Is the IMF Universal in Galaxies? A MaNGA View Fulai Guo
Jan 12, 2017 Luis Ho (KIAA/Peking) Some Unsolved Problems in Black Hole - Galaxy Coevolution Fulai Guo
Jan 19, 2017 Richard de Grijs (KIAA) Not-so-simple stellar populations in nearby, resolved massive star clusters Fulai Guo NEW TIME: 1:30 pm