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SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm


The Lecture Hall, The Third Floor of Astronomy Building

This is the wiki page for Astrophysics Colloquium at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Summer 2023

Date Speaker Topic Host
Aug 17 Huan Yang (Perimeter Institute & Guelph University) Kilohertz Gravitational-wave Astronomy Wenbiao Han
Aug 28 (special date: 3:00PM) Guido Garay (Universidad de Chile) Astronomy in Chile Tie Liu
Aug 28 (special date: 4:00PM)postphoned 陳明堂 (ASIAA) The Greenland Telescope – Construction, Commissioning, and Operations in Pituffik Zhiqiang Shen

Fall 2023

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 14 Enci Wang (USTC) Understanding the galaxy formation and metal-enrichment in the view of gas-regulator framework Hengxiao Guo
Sep 20(special date) Siyuan Chen (PKU) Recent results from Pulsar Timing Arrays Zhiqiang Shen
Sep 28 Cheng Cheng (CASSACA) A JWST/NIRCam View of ALMA Sources Zhenya Zheng
Oct 5 No colloquium (Holiday)
Oct 13(special date) Niu Liu (NJU) Tie of Celestial Reference Frames in the Age of Microarcsecond Precision Hao Ding
Oct 19(special time: 10:00am) Fukun Liu (PKU) Elliptical accretion disk as a model for tidal disruption events Defu Bu
Oct 26 Junfeng Wang (XMU) The impact of AGNs on their host galaxies: from central engine to the circumgalactic medium Defu Bu
Nov 2 Robert Wittenmyer (Univ. of South Queensland) Like a wrecking ball: understanding giant planets as the key to finding Earths Hui Zhang
Nov 9 Ruo-Yu Liu (NJU) A multi-zone view of blazar's emission Fulai Guo
Nov 16 Ming Zeng (THU) Detectors and In-orbit Results of GRID: a Student NanoSat Mission for Gamma-Ray Burst Observation Wenfei Yu
Nov 23 Shang-Fei Liu (SYSU) Dynamical origins of diversity among planetary systems Yaping Li
Nov 30 Zhicheng He (USTC) 利用吸收线光变研究活动星系核外流 Fulai Guo
Dec 7 Wen Zhao (USTC) 引力波电磁对应体搜寻及其宇宙学应用 Wenbiao Han
Dec 15(special date) Bei You (WHU) Formation of a magnetically arrested disk (MAD) in a black hole x-ray binary Shuangliang Li
Dec 21 Tinggui Wang (USTC) 黑洞潮汐撕裂恒星事件 Hengxiao Guo
Dec 22 Hui Li (LANL) 3D Dynamics of Embedded Stellar-Mass Binary Black Holes within AGN Disks and Their Feedback Effects Yaping Li
Dec 28 Shi Shao (NAOC) Magpie simulation: studying the faintest satellite galaxies around the Milky Way Huanyuan Shan
Jan 4 Weihua Lei (HUST) 具有相对论性喷流的潮汐瓦解事件 Defu Bu
Jan 11 Cong Yu (SYSU) MHD processes during planet formation and evolution Yaping Li
Jan 18 Cheng Zhao (THU) Cosmology with massive spectroscopic surveys Huanyuan Shan
Jan 25 Jie Lin (USTC) Wenfei Yu

Colloquium Archive