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| Mar 31
| Mar 31
| Hao Zhou (TDLI)
| Hao Zhou (TDLI)
| (This talk is postponed to due to COVID-19)
| ''(This talk is postponed to due to COVID-19)''
| Jiajun Zhang
| Jiajun Zhang
| Apr 7
| Apr 7
| Song Huang (Tsinghua)
| Song Huang (Tsinghua)
| Utilizing the Stellar Halo of Massive Galaxies for Cluster Cosmology
| Jiajun Zhang
| Jiajun Zhang

Revision as of 11:59, 8 April 2022

SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm

The Lecture Hall, The Third Floor of Astronomy Building

This is the wiki page for Astrophysics Colloquium at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Spring 2022

Date Speaker Topic Host
Mar 3 Li Ji (PMO) Mapping CGMs in the Nearby Universe Suoqing Ji
Mar 10 Lei Zhou (Fudan) Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications Jiajun Zhang
Mar 17 Ziren Luo (UCAS) (This talk is postponed to due to COVID-19) Wenbiao Han
Mar 24 Renbin Yan (CUHK) Towards Precision Astrophysics for Warm Ionized Gas Lei Hao
Mar 31 Hao Zhou (TDLI) (This talk is postponed to due to COVID-19) Jiajun Zhang
Apr 7 Song Huang (Tsinghua) Utilizing the Stellar Halo of Massive Galaxies for Cluster Cosmology Jiajun Zhang
Apr 14 Guiyun Liang (NAOC) (This talk is postponed to due to COVID-19) Feng Yuan
Apr 21 Philip Hopkins (Caltech) (Special time: 2pm) Suoqing Ji
Apr 28 Max Gronke (MPA) Suoqing Ji
May 5 Songzhan Chen (IHEP) Liang Chen
May 12 Chengyuan Li (SYSU) Zhenya Zheng
May 19
May 26
Jun 2
Jun 9
Jun 16
Jun 23 Yu Yu (SJTU) Jiajun Zhang
Jun 30

Fall 2021

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 9 Chenhui Niu FAST and Fast Radio Bursts
Sep 16 Meng Su Yangwang constellation: the world's first commercial spaceborne astronomical telescope network
Sep 30 Yuqing Lou Magnetized Stars from Normal to Supermassive Ones
Oct 14 Guang-Xing Li Star formation- Making complex things understandable Tie Liu
Oct 21 Fayin Wang Recent progress of Fast Radio Bursts
Nov 4 Bin Yue Signals of first luminous objects at EoR Huanyuan Shan
Nov 11 Nicola Napolitano Galaxy Structure and Dark Matter content using Machine Learning. Paving the road to CSST Shi-yin Shen
Nov 18 Chichuan Jin Super-Eddington NLS1s and recent results on RX J0134.2-4258
Nov 25 Tao Wang HIgh-redshift (proto)clusters: the ultimate laboratories for galaxy formation and astrophysics Hong Guo
Dec 9 Min Fang Young stars and their inner disk evolution: An Observational Perspective
Dec 23 Yefei Yuan
Dec 30 Tao-Chung Ching Tie Liu

Spring 2021

Date Speaker Topic Host
Mar 25 Xinwen Shu Stellar tidal disruption event by massive black holes: dormant vs. active, and single vs. binary.
Apr 1 Chen Xian The Nature of Massive Gravitational Wave Sources
Apr 15 Jirong Mao High-energy Transients: Multi-messager and Multi-wavelength Studies
Apr 22 Bei You Timing and spectral properties of Black hole X-ray binary
Apr 29 Wenting Wang The mass distribution in and around isolated central galaxies and our Milky Way Galaxy
May 6 Feng Yuan Numerical study of AGN feedback
May 13 Shaolin Xiong GECAM: an all-sky gamma-ray monitor in the multi-messenger and multi-wavelength era
May 20 Wei Zhu Standing on the shoulders of Kepler
May 27 Zhoujian Cao How far away we are from the template bank of CBC for gravitaitonal wave detection in space
Jun 3 Rafael S. de Souza Searching for new structures in the Milky Way and beyond
Jun 10 Ran Li mapping the dark matter universe
Jun 17 Guoliang Li 中国空间站工程巡天空间望远镜主巡天观测仿真
Jun 24 Jianning Fu Stellar Pulsations and Asteroseismology
Jul 1 Yao Liu Grain Growth and Dust Processing in Protoplanetary Disks

Fall 2020

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 24 Mouyuan Sun (XMU) The UV/optical Stochastic Variability as a Symptom of the AGN Central Engine Crisis Fulai Guo
Oct 1 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 8 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 15 Jinlin Han (NAOC) FAST - Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot survey (GPPS) Feng Yuan
Oct 22 Ruizhi Yang (USTC) The Milky Way in Gamma-rays Fulai Guo
Oct 29 Donglian Xu (SJTU) Probing the extreme Universe with a “nu” messenger Minfeng Gu
Nov 5 Zhen Cao (IHEP) The first results of LHAASO: Opening The UHE g-ray Astronomy Minfeng Gu
Nov 12 Di Li (NAOC) CRAFTS: the World’s First Commensal HI and Pulsar Survey Tie Liu
Nov 19 Zhaohui Shang (NAOC) Progress in Chinese Antarctic Astronomy MinFeng Gu
Nov 26 Xi Kang (ZJU) The quenching of massive spiral galaxies ppt Shiyin Shen
Dec 3 Hua Feng (Tsinghua) Reopening the window of astronomical soft X-ray polarimetry Wenfei Yu
Dec 10 Wei Cui (Tsinghua) Galaxies in X-ray Perspective Feng Yuan
Dec 17 Shuo Cao (BNU) Tests of General Relativity with ultra-compact radio quasars and strong gravitational lensing Huanyuan Shan
Dec 24 Ke Wang (KIAA) A filamentary view of the Milky Way interstellar medium Tie Liu
Jan 7 Bin Wang (SJTU) Dark Matter, Dark Energy Interaction: Cosmological Implications, Observational Signatures and Theoretical Challenges Wenbiao Han

Spring 2020

Date Speaker Topic Host
Apr 16 Fabo Feng (Carnegie) Detect and characterize exoplanets using Gaia and Hipparcos data Ling Zhu
Apr 23 Cheng Zhao (EPFL) Cosmology with large-scale structures Huanyuan Shan
Apr 30 Yuan Wang (MPIA) HOR - The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way Huanyuan Shan
May 14 Jun Hou (SHNU) Angular momentum accretion in galaxy formation Quan Guo
May 21 Chao Liu (NAOC) LAMOST——from low-resolution to time-domain spectroscopic survey Ling Zhu & Huanyuan Shan
Jun 4 Jie Wang (NAOC) Simulating the structure formation over 30 order of magnitudes in mass Ling Zhu & Huanyuan Shan
Jun 11 Haoran Yu (XMU) The spins of galaxies and their probe of the primordial Universe Fulai Guo
Jun 18 Long Wang (U-Tokyo) The impact of stellar dynamics on the formation and evolution of star clusters Huanyuan Shan
Jun 25 No colloquium: Dragon Boat Festival holidays
July 2 Lijing Shao (KIAA) Testing Gravity with Gravitational Waves Huanyuan Shan
July 9 Huiyuan Wang (USTC) Characteristic mass in galaxy quenching: environmental versus internal effects Feng Yuan

Fall 2019

Date Speaker Topic Host
Aug 23 Eric Jullo (LAM) Cosmology with gravitational lensing in HST and wide field imaging surveys Huanyuan Shan
Sep 5 Hong-Sheng Zhao (St. Andrews) A new way to measure potential and transverse velocity Huanyuan Shan
Sep 12
Sep 19 Xue-Bing Wu (Peking Uni) Changing-look AGNs: Discoveries and Challenges Wenfei Yu & Feng Yuan
Oct 3 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 8 Jiangtao Li (Univ. of Michigan) What is beyond the “visible” galaxy? (2 pm in middle conference room) Fulai Guo
Oct 10 Tie Liu (SHAO) The initial conditions of star formation Feng Yuan
Oct 15 Hongyan Zhou (PRIC) First discovery of inflows fueling supermassive black hole accretion disks Lei Hao
Oct 17 Charling Tao (CPPM) Highlights in cosmology 2019 Huanyuan Shan
Oct 24 He Gao (BNU) Electromagnetic Counterparts for binary neutron star mergers Wenbiao Han
Oct 30 Renato Dupke (National Obs. Brazil, 10am) J-PAS: The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey Zhenya Zheng
Oct 31 Xianzhong Zheng (PMO) Understanding connections between star formation and dust obscuration in galaxies over time Ling Zhu & Huanyuan Shan
Nov 14 Yu Gao An ALMA View of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies/Quasars Feng Yuan
Nov 21 Xuening Bai (Tsinghua) Magnetohydrodynamic-Particle-in-Cell Method and its Applications in Plasma Astrophysics Feng Yuan
Nov 27 Konrad Kuijken (Leiden) Cosmology from weak gravitational lensing: latest results from the Kilo-Degree Survey Huanyuan Shan
Nov 28 Suoqing Ji (Caltech) The Cosmic Ray-Dominated Circumgalactic Medium Fulai Guo
Dec 5 Jean-Paul Kneib (EPFL) Massive Spectroscopic Surveys & Fibre Positioner Robots Huanyuan Shan
Dec 12 Fangjun Lu (IHEP) X-ray Emission of Pulsar Wind Nebulae Wenfei Yu
Dec 19 Nan Li (NAOC) Applications of Simulations of Strong Lensing in Astrophysics and Cosmology Shiyin Shen
Dec 26 Yingjie Peng (PKU/KIAA) Galaxy assembly across cosmic time Feng Yuan
Jan 2 Wen Zhao (USTC) Gravitational waves and testing of gravity Ling Zhu & Huanyuan Shan
Jan 9 Chengze Liu (SJTU) Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Virgo cluster Ling Zhu & Huanyuan Shan

Spring 2019

Date Speaker Topic Host
March 7 Wenda Zhang (Czech Academy of Sciences) Self-consistent calculations of Comptonised spectra of extended AGN coronae in Kerr spacetime Fulai Guo
March 14 Zigao Dai (Nanjing Univ) Neutron Star Mergers Fulai Guo
March 21 Sowgat Muzahid (Leiden Observatory) MUSEQuBES CGM Surveys: From Low-z Star-forming Galaxies to High-z Lyman-alpha Emitters pdf Shiyin Shen
March 28 Binbin Zhang (Nanjing) Data-Oriented GRB Research and the Gravitational Wave GRBs Minfeng Gu
April 4 Cosimo Bambi (Fudan Univ.) Testing general relativity using X-ray reflection spectroscopy Fulai Guo
April 11 Xiao-Jun Bi (IHEP) Geminga周围介质性质及对宇宙线正电子超出的影响 Fulai Guo
April 18 Cheng Li (Tsinghua) Mapping the stars, gas and dust in nearby galaxies Ling Zhu
April 19 Xun Shi (Yunnan Univ) at 10 am Turbulence and non-thermal pressure in galaxy clusters Fulai Guo
April 25 Shude Mao (Tsinghua) What have we learned about extrasolar planets with microlensing? Ling Zhu
May 2 No colloquium: Labor Day holidays
May 9 Chris Reynolds (Univ of Cambridge) Special colloquium at 9 am: Why do active galactic nuclei vary? Fulai Guo
May 9 Andy Fabian (Univ of Cambridge) Special colloquium at 10:30 am: Recent Advances in X-ray Observational Studies of Luminous Black Holes Fulai Guo
May 9 Tim Beers (Notre Dame) The Origin of the Astrophysical r-Process. Slides for his two talks are available here: Monday and Thursday. Fulai Guo
May 16 Dandan Xu (Tsinghua) A study of stellar orbital fractions: the CALIFA observed and the IllustrisTNG simulated galaxies Ling Zhu
May 23 Bin Hu (Beijing Normal Univ) Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Fulai Guo
May 28 Tao Wang (Univ of Tokyo) *Tuesday* New frontiers in galaxy and cluster formation in the early universe and challenges to theoretical models Zhenya Zheng
May 30 Daniel Wang (University of Massachusetts) Probing Astrophysics of Galactic Feedback in Nearby Disk Galaxies Fulai Guo
June 6 Ran Wang (KIAA/PKU) Co-evolution of the first supermassive black holes and their host galaxies Minfeng Gu
June 13 Zuhui Fan (Peking Univ /Yunnan Univ) Steepness as a probe in weak lensing cosmological studies Zhenya Zheng
June 20 Fukun Liu (PKU) Modeling the stellar tidal disruption events by supermassive black holes Zhenya Zheng
June 25 Jian Ge (University of Florida) Deep Neural Network in Big Astronomical Data Era Fulai Guo
June 27 Zhiyuan Li (Nanjing) New insights on the X-ray Source Populations in the Galactic Center and Nearby Galaxy Clusters Minfeng Gu
July 4 Jie Jiang (Beihang University) The solar cycle: its variability and prediction Fulai Guo
July 5 Hui Li (Los Alamos National Lab) Energy Evolution and Particle Energization in Turbulent Astrophysical Plasmas (at 10 am) Fulai Guo
July 10 Liang Dai (IAS) ------ at 10 am Einstein’s Microscope: Caustic Transiting Stars in Lensing Clusters as Probes of Dark Matter Granular Structure Fulai Guo
July 11 Hugh Jones (University of Hertfordshire) Exoplanets from the radial velocities of nearby stars Shiyin Shen
July 23 Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan) How do mergers affect galaxies? (Tuesday 3pm) Juntai Shen
August 5 David Elbaz (CEA-Saclay) Latest news on the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters with ALMA (Monday 10am) Fulai Guo

Fall 2018

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 25 Chi-Kwan Chan (Univ of Arizona) special colloquium: Imaging Event Horizons Fulai Guo
Sep 27 Wei Wang (Wuhan Univ) Probe of Supernova Progenitors with Gamma-rays Fulai Guo
Oct 4 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 11 Jiaxin Han (SJTU) The small scale distribution of dark matter--from simulations to observations Hong Guo
Oct 18 Yao Chen (Shandong Univ-Weihai) Initiation and Energy Release of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections and Relevant Solar Radio Bursts Juntai Shen
Oct 25 Piero Madau (UCSC) Connecting the Dark and Light Side of Galaxy Formation Fulai Guo
Nov 1 John Kormendy (Univ of Texas at Austin) Special: STRUCTURE AND FORMATION OF S0 AND SPHEROIDAL GALAXIES pdf Juntai Shen
Nov 1 Yu Dai (NAOC) Is there a relationship between AGN and star formation in IR-bright AGNs? Hong Guo
Nov 8 Yi Mao (Tsinghua) Reionization science and 21-cm cosmology in the era of SKA Juntai Shen
Nov 15 Subo Dong (Peking Univ) The Full Transient Sky at <17 mag Zhenya Zheng
Nov 22 No colloquium due to the annual CAS key lab meeting
Nov 29 Yongquan Xue (USTC) Probing AGN Physics with Variability Studies Minfeng Gu
Dec 6 Jing Wang (Peking Univ) An HI view of the nearby galaxies Hong Guo
Dec 13 Lulu Fan (Shandong Univ-Weihai) WISE-selected, luminous dust-obscured quasars and their host galaxies Zhenya Zheng
Dec 20 Weimin Gu (Xiamen Univ) Accretion disks and outflows: theories and applications to ULXs and GRBs Minfeng Gu
Dec 21 Dong Lai (Cornell Univ) Circumbinary Accretion: From Supermassive Binary Black Holes to Circumbinary Planets Fulai Guo
Dec 27 Qingwen Wu (HUST) black holes and jets in the Universe Minfeng Gu
Jan 3 Jianfeng Wu (Xiamen Univ) X-ray Emission of High-Redshift Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei Fulai Guo
Jan 8 Niel Brandt (Penn State) special colloq 3pm, A Good Hard Look at Cosmic Supermassive Black Hole Growth Fulai Guo
Jan 10 Hongyan Zhou Hydrogen and Helium Absorption-Lines in Quasars Zhenya Zheng
Jan 17 Kohei Inayoshi (KIAA) Black hole accretion in the present-day and early universe Fulai Guo
Jan 21 Xiangcheng Ma (UC Berkeley) Galaxy formation in the first billion years of the Universe: progress, big questions, and future Fulai Guo

Spring 2018

Date Speaker Topic Host
March 8 Alex Pettitt (Hokudai) What drives the morphological features of disc galaxies? Juntai Shen
March 15 Lei Hao (SHAO) Galaxy Evolution via 2D Spectroscopy Fulai Guo
March 22 Pengjie Zhang (SJTU) ABS, CMB foreground removal, weak lensing reconstruction by counting galaxies, and beyond Juntai Shen
March 29 Andrzej Zdziarski (Copernicus Astronomical Center) Jets in black-hole binaries Fulai Guo
April 5 No Colloquium Holiday
April 11 Jerry Sellwood (University of Arizona) The Origin of Spirals in Galaxies / time: 2 pm (Wednesday) Juntai Shen
April 19 S. Peng Oh (Univ of California, Santa Barbara) Make it, Shake it, Bake it: Warm Gas in the Circumgalactic Medium Fulai Guo
April 26 Xinwen Shu (Anhui Normal University) Supersoft AGNs: signature of super Eddington accretion, IMBH, TDE or new AGN spectral state? Fulai Guo
May 4 Tinggui Wang (USTC) Friday 3 pm 超大质量黑洞撕裂恒星事件 Juntai Shen
May 10 Zhenya Zheng (SHAO) Probing Cosmic Reionization with Lyman Alpha Galaxies Fulai Guo
May 17 Jian-Min Wang (IHEP) Reverberation Mapping of AGNs Fulai Guo
May 24 Ying Zu (SJTU) Galaxy-Halo Connection for Next Generation Galaxy Surveys Hong Guo
May 31 Tong Liu (Xiamen University) 伽玛暴中心的黑洞超吸积 Fulai Guo
June 7 Qi Guo (NAOC) Galaxy formation in the context of concordance cosmology: confront theory with observations Hong Guo
June 14 Guilin Liu (USTC) Star formation and quasar feedback on galactic scales Fulai Guo
June 21 Jifeng Liu (NAOC) 司天工程 Juntai Shen
June 28 Jingwen Wu (NAOC) Hot dust-obscured galaxies: Catching the maximum SMBH accretion during galaxy evolution Juntai Shen

Fall 2017

Date Speaker Topic Host
Sep 7 Mousumi Das (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) Low Surface Brightness Galaxies - their morphological classes and disk evolution Fulai Guo
Sep 14 Stijn Wuyts (Univ. of Bath) The Growth of Disks and Bulges Fulai Guo
Sep 18 Mike Rich (UC Los Angeles) New Observational Perspectives on the Galaxy's Central Bulge/Bar System Juntai Shen
Sep 21 Sandra Faber (UCSC) Toy model for the growth of black holes and galaxy quenching Juntai Shen
Sep 28 Ji-Wei Xie (Nanjing Univ) The scientific impact of the LAMOST on exoplanet research Fulai Guo
Oct 5 No colloquium (Holidays)
Oct 12 Xiaowei Liu (PKU) The LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-center Fulai Guo
Oct 19 E. (Lia) Athanassoula (LAM) Dynamical and chemical modeling of Milky Way-type galaxies Martin Smith
Oct 26 Xian Chen (PKU) Retrieving the true mass of gravitational-wave sources Hong Guo
Nov 2 Yifu Cai (USTC) Probing the Very Early Universe with CMB Experiments Hong Guo
Nov 9 Tong Liu (Xiamen Univ) cancelled Fulai Guo
Nov 16 Bernhard Brandl (Leiden) Science Goals of the Mid-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) at ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) Fulai Guo
Nov 23 Xu Kong (USTC) Star formation quenching and mass assembly of galaxies Hong Guo
Nov 30 Xiaohu Yang (SJTU) Mapping the real space distribution of galaxies Juntai Shen
Dec 7 Jinlin Han (NAOC) 银河系结构与磁场研究的新结果 Juntai Shen
Dec 13 Jian Ge (Univ of Florida) Searching for Habitable Worlds Using Artificial Intelligence (special time: 10:30 am) Fulai Guo
Dec 14 Yong Shi (Nanjing Univ) Star Formation Across Cosmic Time Hong Guo
Dec 21 note: cancelled due to SKA meeting
Dec 28 Liang Gao (NAOC) 暗物质天文学研究 Juntai Shen
Jan 4 Daniel Wang (Univ of Massachusetts) The Galactic Center Ecosystem Fulai Guo
Jan 11 Hua Feng (Tsinghua) Ultraluminous X-ray Sources Fulai Guo
Jan 18 Zheng Zheng (Univ of Utah) The Curious Case of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies Hong Guo
Jan 25 Shiyin Shen (SHAO) The dust along the line-of-sight to extra-galactic objects Fulai Guo

Spring 2017

Date Speaker Topic Host
Feb 16 Christine Wilson (McMaster) Observing Galaxies with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Ting Xiao
Feb 23 No Colloquium
March 2 James Stone (Princeton) cancelled Fulai Guo
March 9 Di Li (NAOC) An Unprecedented Commensal Drift-Scan Survey with FAST Fulai Guo
March 16 Yipeng Jing (SJTU) 星系红移巡天 Juntai Shen
March 23 Alok Gupta (ARIES/SHAO) Multi-wavelength Time Domain Astronomy:

To Probe the Environs of Central Super Massive Black Hole of Blazars

Fulai Guo
March 30 Pengfei Chen (NJU) Observations and Modeling of Solar Coronal Waves Fu-Guo Xie
April 6 Jun Lin (Yunnan Observatories) Lin-Forbes Model for the Solar Eruption and the CME/Flare Current Sheet Juntai Shen
April 11 James Binney (Oxford) Special Colloquium: How did our Galaxy form? Martin Smith
April 13 Martin Bureau (Oxford) 3D Observations of Molecular Gas in Galaxies: From Global Dynamics to Supermassive Black Holes Juntai Shen
April 20 Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua) Supernova Zoo: Obervations and Theories Juntai Shen
April 27 Xi Kang (PMO) Galaxy formation and spatial alignment Fu-Guo Xie
May 4 Wei Cui (Tsinghua/Purdue) Probing Missing Baryons with X-ray Spectroscopy Juntai Shen
May 11 Xuefeng Wu (PMO) Testing Fundamental Physics With Fast Radio Bursts Fu-Guo Xie
May 18 Zigao Dai (NJU) Models for Fast Radio Bursts and Future Astrophysical Tests Fu-guo Xie
May 25 Zhanwen Han (Yunnan Observatories) Binary population synthesis and the formation of binary-related objects Juntai Shen
June 1 Jin Chang (PMO) 空间探测暗物质粒子 Fulai Guo
June 8 Linhua Jiang (KIAA/PKU) Properties of Spectroscopically-Confirmed Galaxies at z >= 6 Fu-Guo Xie
June 15 Qiang Yuan (PMO) Cosmic ray physics and dark matter searches with AMS-02 Fulai Guo
June 22 Junxian Wang (USTC) The UV/Optical Variation in Active Galactic Nuclei Fulai Guo
June 29 Xiang-Yu Wang (NJU) Multi-messenger approach to study the origin of high-energy cosmic rays Fu-Guo Xie

Fall 2016

Date Speaker Topic Host
Oct 20 Weiguang Cui (ICRAR/UWA) The MACRO simulated galaxy cluster project: The final chapter Fu-Guo Xie
Oct 27 Jun Zhang (CAA/SJTU) Recent Progress in Weak Lensing Measurement Fu-Guo Xie
Oct 28 Sandra Faber (UCSC) Fast vs. Slow: Galaxy Death at z ~ 2 vs. z ~ 0 (NEW TIME: 10 am) Fulai Guo
Nov 3 Neal Evans (UT Austin) What Determines Star Formation Rates? Fulai Guo
Nov 10 Richard (Dick) Manchester (CSIRO) Pulsars and FRBs: Recent Developments Fulai Guo
Nov 17 Houjun Mo (Tsinghua/UMass) Reconstructing the initial conditions to simulate the formation of the local universe Juntai Shen
Nov 24 Bin Luo (Nanjing Univ.) Cosmic Supermassive Black Hole Growth in the 7 Ms CDF-S Fulai Guo
Dec 1 Youjun Lu (NAOC) A short introduction to gravitational wave and gravitational wave astrophysics Fulai Guo
Dec 8 Peter Scicluna (ASIAA) Comparing radiative transfer models and observations of astrophysical dust Lei Hao
Dec 15 Siming Liu (PMO) Acceleration of high-energy particles in supernova remnants Fulai Guo
Dec 22 Shuang-Nan Zhang (IHEP) Testing Einstein’s Equivalent Principle with Fast Radio Bursts and

the Problem of Detecting Electromagnetic Waves from Merging Black Holes

Fulai Guo
Dec 29 Xiang-Dong Li (Nanjing Univ) Formation of Galactic Black Hole Low-Mass X-ray Binaries Fulai Guo
Jan 5, 2017 Shude Mao (Tsinghua/NAOC) Is the IMF Universal in Galaxies? A MaNGA View Fulai Guo
Jan 12, 2017 Luis Ho (KIAA/Peking) Some Unsolved Problems in Black Hole - Galaxy Coevolution Fulai Guo
Jan 19, 2017 Richard de Grijs (KIAA) TIME: 1:30 pm Not-so-simple stellar populations in nearby, resolved massive star clusters Fulai Guo