Seminar Plan(2023)

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Date Speaker Title
2024/4/17 陈宓 Galaxy Decomposition pdf
2024/1/24 秦松梅 Unveiling the Binary Nature of NGC 2323
2024/1/17 徐权峰 --
2024/1/10 王岚 (NAOC) Formation of massive disk galaxies and bulge galaxies
2024/1/3 王左磊 仿真中光锥的构建
2023/12/27 梁晋宁 (Durham University) Connection between galaxy morphology and dark-matter halo structure
2023/12/20 钱永忠 (University of Minnesota) The Origin and Evolution of the Elements: A Modern Perspective
2023/12/13 李智 (SHNU) Gas Dynamics in the Milky Way: Total Mass Distribution and the Bar Pattern Speed
2023/11/22 刘桂梅 OC formation triggered by supernovae
2023/11/15 邱佳杰 --
2023/11/8 郑云亮(SJTU) Measuring the X-Ray Properties of DESI Groups from eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey
2023/11/1 姜方周 (PKU) Galaxy-halo connection and near-field cosmology with numerical and semi-analytic methods

2023/10/25 唐通 --
2023/10/18 潘翠云 --
2023/10/11 刘成则 (SJTU) 通过大样本研究超致密矮星系的性质
2023/09/27 蒋悦悦 --
2023/09/20 陈宓 --
2023/09/13 李春燕 --
2023/09/06 郑赟 (SJTU) PAC V. The Roles of Mass and Environment in the Quenching of Satellite Galaxies
2023/08/30 Kartick Sarkar (Tel Aviv University) Supernovae bubbles and winds
2023/08/15 Hugh Jones (University of Hertfordshire) A blue depression in M dwarfs - a tale of two M5 dwarfs
2023/07/19 赵倩文 --
2023/07/12 张茜 --
2023/07/07 Judit Donada Oliu (University of Barcelona) The multiplicity fraction in 202 open clusters from Gaia
2023/06/21 简明杰 (Stockholm University) Dispersing star-light in the near-infrared: stellar parameters and abundances
2023/07/12 秦松梅 Split Main-sequence of Galactic open clusters
2023/06/07 陈丙秋 (YNU) 银河系与麦哲伦云的尘埃和气体分布