Lunch talks

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The SHAO postdocs lunch talks page, contact Martin, Minyi, or Roger to give a talk.

If any of your colleges are are interested in attending, please encourage them to sign-up to the mailing list here:

2016 Fall

Date Speaker Title Poll
16.01.2017 TBD (SJTU)
19.12.2016 Chao Liu 刘超 (NAOC) The stellar density of the Milky Way with LAMOST RGB stars
28.11.2016 Yun Li 李云 (SJTU) The dynamical evolution of disc-fragmented multiple systems

2016 Spring

 11.04.2016 discussion summarized by Martin: 
We decided to keep the discussion series going for a few weeks, but we will try and get PhD students to give talks.  Unfortunately not many people turned up today - only around 8 people - so we worry that it may not be enough to sustain it.  However, let’s see if the new strategy works.  We decided to shift to Wednesday morning, because that works better for some people and it’s my time in 701 so I am happy to “donate” it.  We also decided to do this every two weeks.  Our current plan is to have 1000-1030 at coffee, then 1030-1130 for the talk, then people can go for lunch. 
Date Speaker Title Poll
20.04.2016 Zhen Yuan (SJTU) A Model for Gas Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
04.05.2016 TBA TBA
18.05.2016 TBA TBA
08.06.2016 Zhongli Zhang (SHAO) TBA
15.06.2016 Shijie Li (SJTU) TBA
29.06.2016 TBA TBA
13.07.2016 TBA TBA

2015 Fall

Date Speaker Title Poll
07.09.2015 Baile Li (SHAO) Supermassive black holes can fully merge in axisymmetric galaxies
21.09.2015 Thijs Kouwenhoven (KIAA/PKU) TBA
05.10.2015 No talk due to National Day vacation
12.10.2015 Prashanth Mohan (SHAO) Time variability in black hole systems postponed to 26.10
26.10.2015 Prashanth Mohan (SHAO) Time variability in black hole systems
09.11.2015 Fu-Guo Xie (SHAO) Radio/X-ray correlation in black hole accreting systems postpone
17.11.2015 Xiaohu Li (NAOC) Indicators of N2 ultraviolet shielding in AGB stars Tuesday
07.12.2015 TBA TBA
21.12.2015 TBA TBA