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  • 2020/10-2020/12 by 沈世银 ppt: [[1]]


Advanced Lectures of the Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology

Current coordinators are Juntai Shen (jshen@shao.ac.cn) and Yifu Cai (yifucai@ustc.edu.cn).

This is the wiki page for Advanced Lectures of the Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology. If you would like to give a lecture, please contact the coordinators.

The lectures generally take place in the first Sunday (in Shanghai) and the third Sunday (in Hefei) by default. If you would like to switch with other people, please first communicate with each other privately then let the coordinators know your updated dates.

上海天文台上课的教室暂定在天文大厦17楼教室(联系人沈俊太 jshen@shao.ac.cn),科大上课在理化大楼19楼天文台报告厅(联系人蔡一夫 yifucai@ustc.edu.cn)。


2017 - 2018 年度

Date Time Place Speaker Topic
2017-10-22 1:30pm SHAO Defu Bu 黑洞外流的数值模拟和观测
2017-10-29 1:30pm USTC Defu Bu 黑洞外流的数值模拟和观测
2017-11-05 1:30pm SHAO Fulai Guo The Intracluster Medium (ICM) and Circumgalactic Medium (CGM)
2017-11-19 1:30pm USTC Fulai Guo The Intracluster Medium (ICM) and Circumgalactic Medium (CGM)
2017-12-03 1:30pm SHAO Shiyin Shen The statistical applications in astronomy pdf pdf
2017-12-17 1:30pm USTC Shiyin Shen The statistical applications in astronomy pdf
2018-01-07 1:30pm SHAO Minfeng Gu 活动星系核喷流观测性质
2018-01-21 1:30pm USTC Minfeng Gu 活动星系核喷流观测性质
Feb 2018 XXX XXX XXXXXXX Happy Spring Festival 春节快乐!
2018-03-11 1:30pm SHAO Yifu Cai Primordial Gravitational Waves, CMB physics and the very early Universe pdf
2018-03-18 1:30pm USTC Yifu Cai Primordial Gravitational Waves, CMB physics and the very early Universe
2018-04-08 1:30pm SHAO Yongquan Xue The Chandra Deep Fields: Lifting the Veil on Distant AGN and X-ray Emitting Galaxies
2018-04-22 1:30pm USTC Yongquan Xue The Chandra Deep Fields: Lifting the Veil on Distant AGN and X-ray Emitting Galaxies
2018-05-06 1:30pm SHAO Tinggui Wang 超大质量黑洞撕裂恒星事件(TDEs)File:TDE1.pdf pdf
2018-05-20 1:30pm USTC Tinggui Wang 超大质量黑洞撕裂恒星事件(TDEs)
2018-06-03 1:30pm SHAO Juntai Shen 星系中的动力学不稳定性
2018-06-17 1:30pm USTC Juntai Shen 星系中的动力学不稳定性


1. 内容一般要求3小时(中间休息15分钟)。A lecture is normally 3-hour long with a 15-min break.

2. 讲座内容:1). 是要有足够的宽度,不要太窄;2). 要注重基本图像、物理内容的讲解,不要太技术化;3). 介于研究生课程与一般学术报告之间,系统介绍一个方向,尤其介绍有关背景,切忌只强调自己工作。

3. 讲座从每年9月份后开始,持续一年至下一年6月底。大约是整个重点实验室每年挑选8个主讲人,每个人把同样内容在合肥上海各讲一次。