“文献:Size evolution”的版本间差异

来自Shiyin's note
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The remarkable growth in galaxy size observed from $z\sim2.5$ has been reported to depend on the environment at higher redshifts ($z>1$), with early-type/passive galaxies in higher density environments growing earlier. Such dependence disappears at lower redshifts. Therefore, if the reported difference at higher-$z$ is real, the growth of field galaxies has caught up with that of cluster galaxies by $z\sim1$. Any putative mechanism responsible for galaxy growth has to account for the existence of environmental differences at high redshift and their absence (or weakening) at lower redshifts.
The remarkable growth in galaxy size observed from $z\sim2.5$ has been reported to depend on the environment at higher redshifts ($z>1$), with early-type/passive galaxies in higher density environments growing earlier. Such dependence disappears at lower redshifts. Therefore, if the reported difference at higher-$z$ is real, the growth of field galaxies has caught up with that of cluster galaxies by $z\sim1$. Any putative mechanism responsible for galaxy growth has to account for the existence of environmental differences at high redshift and their absence (or weakening) at lower redshifts.

*[http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.03996]团星系的size evolution 貌似比场星系更小。

2016年6月14日 (二) 07:41的版本

星系的质量增长都是inside-out 的,从而造成sersic指数的变化,size-mass relation的变化。 这种质量增长超过恒星形成,说明了merge。

minor merge: r\propto M
major merge r\propto M62
  • 星系样本的面亮度和size的选择效应 arXiv:1109.2870

越高红移的星系越致密,内禀表面(修正cosmology dimming后)亮度越高。

  • comment:本文显然没有考虑星系的数密度和两点相关函数等其它约束。
  • arXiv:1202.5403 & 1202.5903
  1. 关于早型星系的size的演化在观测上有争论。有的说高红移的早型星系更致密(同等质量,size更小),有的说差不多。 这种观测差异很大可能上是由于观测样本的不同引起的。前者的样本往往是颜色选取的,后者则是形态选取的。
  2. 本地和高红移到椭圆星系的中心表面密度都趋向于常数,这个曾经被认为椭圆星系的增长主要是miner dry merge引起的。但这种增长可能解释部分统计上的效应,但不可能所有的星系都是这样长的,因为高红移观测到了有效半径(致密度小)很大的早型星系。
  3. 一个有意思的观测是早型星系的颜色梯度和致密度没有关系。
  • arXiv:1201.1138
K-band MODS in GOODS-North 得到星系的R50,R90 (Sextractor)和stellar mass(UBVizJHK,星族合成), 0.3<z<3
通过模拟发现尤其sersic n~4的星系,其实测size比内禀size系统的偏小不少。
改正后发现,星系的size - stellar mass relation基本上没有很强的红移演化效应
  • 应该是1202.1138
新出来一个会议文集,加了张图,luminosity ratio as function of redshift,luminosity ratio 用的是总光度比上固定2.6kc里面的光度来argue size evolution的很弱。
  • size 的environment dependence arXiv 1109.5698

作者: Michael C. Cooper 数据:Deep3 中等红移(z~1)高密度环境(cluster)中,红星系的size显著大\Delta Re = 0.5 kpc

  • AGN的spin比其它星系小 1103.3542

没说明Rd是怎么算的。 估计是样本的选择效应,AGN的buldge component比较大,R50 比较小。

enviroment dependence

低红移星系的size基本没有enviroment dependence,高红移有?

  • arXiv:1503.08225

The remarkable growth in galaxy size observed from $z\sim2.5$ has been reported to depend on the environment at higher redshifts ($z>1$), with early-type/passive galaxies in higher density environments growing earlier. Such dependence disappears at lower redshifts. Therefore, if the reported difference at higher-$z$ is real, the growth of field galaxies has caught up with that of cluster galaxies by $z\sim1$. Any putative mechanism responsible for galaxy growth has to account for the existence of environmental differences at high redshift and their absence (or weakening) at lower redshifts.

  • [1]团星系的size evolution 貌似比场星系更小。