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::Yx a simple product of TX and Mg,500 and is related to the total thermal energy of the ICM.
::Yx a simple product of TX and Mg,500 and is related to the total thermal energy of the ICM.

*The Lx-Tvir relation in galaxy clusters: Effects of radiative cooling and AGN heating arXiv:1106.5185:HIFLUGCS samplethe non-cool-core clusters (NCCs) with long cooling times (> 7:7 Gyr) to display the shallowest (LX / T2:42�0:21 vir ). This has the simple implication that on the high-mass scale (Tvir > 2:5 keV) the steepening of the LX - Tvir relation is mainly due to the cooling of the intracluster medium gas.We propose that ICM
cooling and AGN heating are both important in shaping the LX-Tvir relation but on di�erent length-scales. While our study indicates that ICM cooling dominates on cluster scales (Tvir > 2:5 keV), we speculate that AGN heating dominates the scaling relation in poor clusters and groups (Tvir < 2:5 keV).:AGN对Lx的贡献考虑cool-core 的影响之后不明显。


2013年12月19日 (四) 07:27的版本


  • X-ray under-luminous galaxy cluster arXiv:1109.4031 Andreon & Moretti

SDSS maxBCG选的星系团。计算swift观测的33个星系团的X射线流量 重点讨论了,background 的误差,大于Possion弥散,因此对低表面亮度的星系团的光度误差影响很大。 结论:没有显著的X-ray under-luminous galaxy cluster 原因:

  1. 误差被低估
  2. 采用的Lx-N200 的scaling relation可能是bised(比如X射线选)
  • Kravtsov 2006 A New Robust Low-Scatter X-Ray Mass Indicator for Clusters of Galaxies
Lx -Yx relation Yx 最好的星系团质量的indicator
Yx a simple product of TX and Mg,500 and is related to the total thermal energy of the ICM.
  • The Lx-Tvir relation in galaxy clusters: Effects of radiative cooling and AGN heating arXiv:1106.5185:HIFLUGCS samplethe non-cool-core clusters (NCCs) with long cooling times (> 7:7 Gyr) to display the shallowest (LX / T2:42�0:21 vir ). This has the simple implication that on the high-mass scale (Tvir > 2:5 keV) the steepening of the LX - Tvir relation is mainly due to the cooling of the intracluster medium gas.We propose that ICM

cooling and AGN heating are both important in shaping the LX-Tvir relation but on di�erent length-scales. While our study indicates that ICM cooling dominates on cluster scales (Tvir > 2:5 keV), we speculate that AGN heating dominates the scaling relation in poor clusters and groups (Tvir < 2:5 keV).:AGN对Lx的贡献考虑cool-core 的影响之后不明显。


  • Wen Z.L. 2009 Galaxy clusters identified from the SDSS DR6
建立了一个基于SDSS DR6的星系测光红移的星系团样本。选择的星系为了volume complete,Mr<-21和Abell团,maxBCG作了比较。也和NORAS,REFLEX的X射线星系团作了比较。


细节:文中定义了一个gross galaxy number,GGN,星系到r_{GGN}范围内的总数目(去除背景)。


GGN和Richness 相关,Richnes定义为1Mpc范围内星系的数目。
  • Tavasoli S. A statistical study of the luminosity gap in galaxy groups
讨论了星系群中的luminosity gap。gap较大的定义为fossil group,对比研究fossil group中的BCG的性质。
  • Barkhouse W. The Luminosity Function of Low-Redshift Abell Galaxy Clusters
M*和星系团的BM type弱相关。
细节: Bgc: cluster center-galaxy correlation amplitude 可以近似为星系团的richness (Yee & Ellingson 2003)
BM type (Bautz Morgan, 1970):星系团的形态 I - II -III,从早到晚型,从完全动力学年老到年轻,BCG从显著到不显著。
BM type早的星系团中M*稍暗,这与星系动力学充分演化后,BCG吃掉一些亮星系的场景一致。
  • WINGS星系团中的red-sequence arXiv:1109.4011
WINGS (WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey)
多波段数据(6500光谱,U,B,V,J,K星等, Halpha窄带)
从颜色,星等,光谱信息,统计上提取每个cluster的RS (red-sequence)
相关性最强的是local density。(surprise)

Scaling relation

  • Shaw, L.D 2010 Non-Gaussian Scatter in Cluster Scaling Relations
讨论了星系团中各种Scaling relation的非高斯性对结果的影响


  • 流体静力学平衡arXiv 1109.2834
假设1,暗物质遵从 NFW分布
假设2,气体遵从一个号称universal的Generalized的NFW分布( Arnnaud et al. 2010)
假设3,质量由暗物质主导由静力学平衡方程 dP/dr=-rou GM(r)/r (压力梯度=引力)
