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PSPS flags

PSI Query Page --> Quality Flag Tool --> Select Flag Table: --> DetectionFlags


DetectionFull.infoFlag contains two 8 digits flags so there is 16 digits in total.

DetectionFull.infoFlags and StackDetectionFull.infoFlag - 
Lower 32 bits (From smf/cmf FLAGS)
DVO photflags
PM_SOURCE_MODE_DEFAULT                = 0x00000000, ///< Initial value: resets all bits
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PSFMODEL               = 0x00000001, ///< Source fitted with a psf model (linear or non-linear)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTMODEL               = 0x00000002, ///< Source fitted with an extended-source model
PM_SOURCE_MODE_FITTED                 = 0x00000004, ///< Source fitted with non-linear model (PSF or EXT; good or bad)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_FAIL                   = 0x00000008, ///< Fit (non-linear) failed (non-converge, off-edge, run to zero)

PM_SOURCE_MODE_POOR                   = 0x00000010, ///< Fit succeeds, but low-SN, high-Chisq, or large (for PSF -- drop?)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PAIR                   = 0x00000020, ///< Source fitted with a double psf
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PSFSTAR                = 0x00000040, ///< Source used to define PSF model
PM_SOURCE_MODE_SATSTAR                = 0x00000080, ///< Source model peak is above saturation

PM_SOURCE_MODE_BLEND                  = 0x00000100, ///< Source is a blend with other sources
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTERNAL               = 0x00000200, ///< Source based on supplied input position
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BADPSF                 = 0x00000400, ///< Failed to get good estimate of object's PSF
PM_SOURCE_MODE_DEFECT                 = 0x00000800, ///< Source is thought to be a defect

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SATURATED              = 0x00001000, ///< Source is thought to be saturated pixels (bleed trail)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_CR_LIMIT               = 0x00002000, ///< Source has crNsigma above limit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXT_LIMIT              = 0x00004000, ///< Source has extNsigma above limit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_MOMENTS_FAILURE        = 0x00008000, ///< could not measure the moments

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SKY_FAILURE            = 0x00010000, ///< could not measure the local sky
PM_SOURCE_MODE_SKYVAR_FAILURE         = 0x00020000, ///< could not measure the local sky variance
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BELOW_MOMENTS_SN       = 0x00040000, ///< moments not measured due to low S/N

PM_SOURCE_MODE_BIG_RADIUS             = 0x00100000, ///< poor moments for small radius, try large radius
PM_SOURCE_MODE_AP_MAGS                = 0x00200000, ///< source has an aperture magnitude
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BLEND_FIT              = 0x00400000, ///< source was fitted as a blend
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTENDED_FIT           = 0x00800000, ///< full extended fit was used

PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTENDED_STATS         = 0x01000000, ///< extended aperture stats calculated
PM_SOURCE_MODE_LINEAR_FIT             = 0x02000000, ///< source fitted with the linear fit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_NONLINEAR_FIT          = 0x04000000, ///< source fitted with the non-linear fit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_RADIAL_FLUX            = 0x08000000, ///< radial flux measurements calculated

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SIZE_SKIPPED           = 0x10000000, ///< size could not be determined
PM_SOURCE_MODE_ON_SPIKE               = 0x20000000, ///< peak lands on diffraction spike
PM_SOURCE_MODE_ON_GHOST               = 0x40000000, ///< peak lands on ghost or glint
PM_SOURCE_MODE_OFF_CHIP               = 0x80000000, ///< peak lands off edge of chip

DetectionFull.infoFlag and StackDetectionFull.infoFlag - Upper 32 bits part 1
 (From smf/cmf FLAGS2 shifted 32 bits left) 
Each value equals the following times 0x100000000 in PSPS
i.e., DIFF_WITH_SINGLE = 0x00000001 x 0x100000000 = 0x00000001.00000000

PM_SOURCE_MODE2_DEFAULT               = 0x00000000, ///< Initial value: resets all bits
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_DIFF_WITH_SINGLE      = 0x00000001, ///< diff source matched to a single positive detection
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_DIFF_WITH_DOUBLE      = 0x00000002, ///< diff source matched to positive detections in both images
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_MATCHED               = 0x00000004, ///< diff source matched to positive detections in both images
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_ON_SPIKE              = 0x00000008, ///< > 25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on diffraction spike

PM_SOURCE_MODE2_ON_STARCORE           = 0x00000010, ///< > 25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on starcore
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_ON_BURNTOOL           = 0x00000020, ///< > 25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on burntool
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_ON_CONVPOOR           = 0x00000040, ///< > 25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on convpoor
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_PASS1_SRC             = 0x00000080, ///< source detected in first pass analysis

PM_SOURCE_MODE2_HAS_BRIGHTER_NEIGHBOR = 0x00000100, ///< peak is not the brightest in its footprint
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR_1     = 0x00000200, ///< flux_n / (r^2 flux_p) > 1
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR_10    = 0x00000400, ///< flux_n / (r^2 flux_p) > 10
PM_SOURCE_MODE2_DIFF_SELF_MATCH       = 0x00000800, ///< positive detection match is probably this source 

PM_SOURCE_MODE2_SATSTAR_PROFILE       = 0x00001000, ///< saturated source is modeled with a radial profile

in PSPS times 0x200000000000 
DetectionFull.infoFlag and StackDetectionFull - Upper bits part 2 - 
DVO  Measure dbflags shifted left 45 bits)
i.e., NOCAL = 0x00000001 x 0x200000000000 = 0x00002000.00000000
The following values are shown in DVO, one needs to transfer by the above equation.

ID_MEAS_NOCAL          = 0x00000001,  // detection ignored for this analysis (photcode, time range) -- internal only
ID_MEAS_POOR_PHOTOM    = 0x00000002,  // detection is photometry outlier                                               
ID_MEAS_SKIP_PHOTOM    = 0x00000004,  // detection was ignored for photometry measurement                               
ID_MEAS_AREA           = 0x00000008,  // detection near image edge                                                 

ID_MEAS_POOR_ASTROM    = 0x00000010,  // detection is astrometry outlier                                               
ID_MEAS_SKIP_ASTROM    = 0x00000020,  // detection was ignored for astrometry measurement                               
ID_MEAS_USED_OBJ       = 0x00000040,  // detection was used during update objects 
ID_MEAS_USED_CHIP      = 0x00000080,  // detection was used during update chips (XXX this probably does not make it into the db)

ID_MEAS_BLEND_MEAS     = 0x00000100,  // detection is within radius of multiple objects
ID_MEAS_BLEND_OBJ      = 0x00000200,  // multiple detections within radius of object
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_3        = 0x00000400,  // unused
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_4        = 0x00000800,  // unused

ID_MEAS_BLEND_MEAS_X   = 0x00001000,  // detection is within radius of multiple objects across catalogs                   
ID_MEAS_ARTIFACT       = 0x00002000,  // detection is thought to be non-astronomical                               
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_5        = 0x00004000,  // unused
ID_MEAS_PHOTOM_UBERCAL = 0x00008000,  // externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis

ID_MEAS_STACK_PRIMARY  = 0x00010000,  // externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis                   
ID_MEAS_STACK_PHOT_SRC = 0x00020000,  // this measurement supplied the stack photometry


Value	Name	Description
0	NEW	no relphot / relastro attempted
1	NOCAL	used within relphot to mean 'don't apply fit'
2	POOR	relphot says image is bad
4	SKIP	external information image is bad
8	FEW	currently too few measurements for good value


Value	Name	Description
1	SECF_STAR_FEW	used within relphot: skip star
2	SECF_STAR_POOR	used within relphot: skip star
4	SECF_USE_SYNTH	synthetic photometry used in average measurement
8	SECF_USE_UBERCAL	synthetic photometry used in average measurement
16	SECF_HAS_PS1	PS1 photometry used in average measurement
32	SECF_HAS_STACK	PS1 stack photometry exists
256	PHOTOM_PASS_0	average magnitude calculated in 0th pass
512	PHOTOM_PASS_1	average magnitude calculated in 1th pass
1024	PHOTOM_PASS_2	average magnitude calculated in 2th pass
2048	PHOTOM_PASS_3	average magnitude calculated in 3th pass
4096	PHOTOM_PASS_4	average magnitude calculated in 4th pass
8192	PSPS_OBJ_EXT	extended in this band (PSPS only)
From Gene?
0x0000.0100 : mean mag from pass 0 -- only 'good' measurements used 
0x0000.0200 : mean mag from pass 1 -- also accept measurements flagged as'poor' by photometry analysis (but not 'bad')
0x0000.0400 : mean mag from pass 2 -- also accept measurements whichare internally determined to be outliers
0x0000.0800 : mean mag from pass 3 -- accept 'bad' measurements
0x0000.1000 : mean mag from pass 4 -- accept synthetic measurements


Value		Name	Description
-999		OBJ_SUSPECT_STACK	suspect object in the stack (> 1 good or suspect stack, less tham 2 good)
1		FEW	used within relphot: skip star
2		POOR	used within relphot: skip star
65536		FIT_AVE	average position fitted
131072		FIT_PM	proper motion fitted
262144		FIT_PAR	parallax fitted
524288		USE_AVE	average position used (not PM or PAR)
1048576		USE_PM	proper motion used (not AVE or PAR)
2097152		USE_PAR	parallax used (not AVE or PM)
4194304		NO_ASTROM	mean astrometry could not be measured
16777216	EXT	extended in our data (eg, PS)
33554432	EXT_ALT	extended in external data (eg, 2MASS)
67108864	GOOD	good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS)
134217728	GOOD_ALT	good-quality measurement in external data (eg, 2MASS)
1073741824	OBJ_BAD_STACK	bad-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)


Value	Name	Description
1	QF_OBJ_EXT	extended in our data (eg, PS)
2	QF_OBJ_EXT_ALT	extended in external data (eg, 2MASS)
4	QF_OBJ_GOOD	good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS)
8	QF_OBJ_GOOD_ALT	good-quality measurement in external data (eg, 2MASS)
16	QF_OBJ_GOOD_STACK	good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)
32	QF_OBJ_SUSPECT_STACK	suspect object in the stack (> 1 good or suspect stack, less tham 2 good)
64	QF_OBJ_BAD_STACK	good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)


The same as DetectionFlags, but values instead.
Value Name Description
0 DEFAULT Initial value: resets all bits
1 PSFMODEL Source fitted with a psf model (linear or non-linear)
2 EXTMODEL Source fitted with an extended-source model
4 FITTED Source fitted with non-linear model (PSF or EXT; good or bad)
8 FAIL Fit (non-linear) failed (non-converge, off-edge\; run to zero)

16 POOR Fit succeeds, but low-SN\; high-Chisq\; or large (for PSF -- drop?)
32 PAIR Source fitted with a double psf
64 PSFSTAR Source used to define PSF model
128 SATSTAR Source model peak is above saturation

256 BLEND Source is a blend with other sources
512 EXTERNAL Source based on supplied input position
1024 BADPSF Failed to get good estimate of object's PSF
2048 DEFECT Source is thought to be a defect
4096 SATURATED Source is thought to be saturated pixels (bleed trail)
8192 CR_LIMIT Source has crNsigma above limit
16384 EXT_LIMIT Source has extNsigma above limit
32768 MOMENTS_FAILURE could not measure the moments

65536 SKY_FAILURE could not measure the local sky
131072 SKYVAR_FAILURE could not measure the local sky variance
262144 BELOW_MOMENTS_SN moments not measured due to low S/N

1048576 BIG_RADIUS poor moments for small radius, try large radius
2097152 AP_MAGS source has an aperture magnitude
4194304 BLEND_FIT source was fitted as a blend
8388608 EXTENDED_FIT full extended fit was used

16777216 EXTENDED_STATS extended aperture stats calculated
33554432 LINEAR_FIT source fitted with the linear fit
67108864 NONLINEAR_FIT source fitted with the non-linear fit
134217728 RADIAL_FLUX radial flux measurements calculated

268435456 SIZE_SKIPPED size could not be determined
536870912 PEAK_ON_SPIKE peak lands on diffraction spike
1073741824 PEAK_ON_GHOST peak lands on ghost or glint
2147483648 PEAK_OFF_CHIP peak lands off edge of chip

4294967296 DIFF_WITH_SINGLE diff source matched to a single positive detection
8589934592 DIFF_WITH_DOUBLE diff source matched to positive detections in both images
17179869184 MATCHED diff source matched to positive detections in both images
34359738368 ON_SPIKE >25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on diffraction spike

68719476736 ON_STARCORE >25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on starcore
137438953472 ON_BURNTOOL >25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on burntool
274877906944 ON_CONVPOOR >25% of (PSF-weighted) pixels land on convpoor
549755813888 PASS1_SRC source detected in first pass analysis

1099511627776 HAS_BRIGHTER_NEIGHBOR peak is not the brightest in its footprint
2199023255552 BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR_1 flux_n / (r^2 flux_p) >1
4398046511104 BRIGHT_NEIGHBOR_10 flux_n / (r^2 flux_p) >10
8796093022208 DIFF_SELF_MATCH positive detection match is probably this source

17592186044416 SATSTAR_PROFILE saturated source is modeled with a radial profile

35184372088832 NOCAL detection ignored for this analysis (photcode, time range) -- internal only
70368744177664 POOR_PHOTOM detection is photometry outlier
140737488355328 SKIP_PHOTOM detection was ignored for photometry measurement
281474976710656 AREA detection near image edge

562949953421312 POOR_ASTROM detection is astrometry outlier
1125899906842624 SKIP_ASTROM detection was ignored for astrometry measurement
2251799813685248 USED_OBJ detection was used during update objects
4503599627370496 USED_CHIP detection was used during update chips (XXX this probably does not make it into the db)

9007199254740992 BLEND_MEAS detection is within radius of multiple objects
18014398509481984 BLEND_OBJ multiple detections within radius of object
36028797018963968 UNDEF_3 unused
72057594037927936 UNDEF_4 unused

144115188075855872 BLEND_MEAS_X detection is within radius of multiple objects across catalogs
288230376151711744 ARTIFACT detection is thought to be non-astronomical
576460752303423488 UNDEF_5 unused
1152921504606846976 PHOTOM_UBERCAL externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis

2305843009213693952 STACK_PRIMARY externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis
4611686018427387904 STACK_PHOT_SRC this measurement supplied the stack photometry

DVO flags

Under DVO shell, you can type the following commands to extract the flags of stellars.
dvo: mextract phot_flag 
dvo: avextract flag
dvo; imextract imflags


Flags associated with measurements 
mextract.photflags == mextract.phot_flags
PM_SOURCE_MODE_DEFAULT          = 0x00000000, ///< Initial value: resets all bits
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PSFMODEL         = 0x00000001, ///< Source fitted with a psf model (linear or non-linear)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTMODEL         = 0x00000002, ///< Source fitted with an extended-source model
PM_SOURCE_MODE_FITTED           = 0x00000004, ///< Source fitted with non-linear model (PSF or EXT; good or bad)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_FAIL             = 0x00000008, ///< Fit (non-linear) failed (non-converge, off-edge, run to zero)

PM_SOURCE_MODE_POOR             = 0x00000010, ///< Fit succeeds, but low-SN, high-Chisq, or large (for PSF -- drop?)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PAIR             = 0x00000020, ///< Source fitted with a double psf
PM_SOURCE_MODE_PSFSTAR          = 0x00000040, ///< Source used to define PSF model
PM_SOURCE_MODE_SATSTAR          = 0x00000080, ///< Source model peak is above saturation

PM_SOURCE_MODE_BLEND            = 0x00000100, ///< Source is a blend with other sourcers
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTERNAL         = 0x00000200, ///< Source based on supplied input position
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BADPSF           = 0x00000400, ///< Failed to get good estimate of object's PSF
PM_SOURCE_MODE_DEFECT           = 0x00000800, ///< Source is thought to be a defect

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SATURATED        = 0x00001000, ///< Source is thought to be saturated pixels (bleed trail)
PM_SOURCE_MODE_CR_LIMIT         = 0x00002000, ///< Source has crNsigma above limit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXT_LIMIT        = 0x00004000, ///< Source has extNsigma above limit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_MOMENTS_FAILURE  = 0x00008000, ///< could not measure the moments

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SKY_FAILURE      = 0x00010000, ///< could not measure the local sky
PM_SOURCE_MODE_SKYVAR_FAILURE   = 0x00020000, ///< could not measure the local sky variance
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BELOW_MOMENTS_SN = 0x00040000, ///< moments not measured due to low S/N

PM_SOURCE_MODE_BIG_RADIUS       = 0x00100000, ///< poor moments for small radius, try large radius
PM_SOURCE_MODE_AP_MAGS          = 0x00200000, ///< source has an aperture magnitude
PM_SOURCE_MODE_BLEND_FIT        = 0x00400000, ///< source was fitted as a blend
PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTENDED_FIT     = 0x00800000, ///< full extended fit was used

PM_SOURCE_MODE_EXTENDED_STATS   = 0x01000000, ///< extended aperture stats calculated
PM_SOURCE_MODE_LINEAR_FIT       = 0x02000000, ///< source fitted with the linear fit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_NONLINEAR_FIT    = 0x04000000, ///< source fitted with the non-linear fit
PM_SOURCE_MODE_RADIAL_FLUX      = 0x08000000, ///< radial flux measurements calculated

PM_SOURCE_MODE_SIZE_SKIPPED     = 0x10000000, ///< size could not be determined
PM_SOURCE_MODE_ON_SPIKE         = 0x20000000, ///< peak lands on diffraction spike
PM_SOURCE_MODE_ON_GHOST         = 0x40000000, ///< peak lands on ghost or glint
PM_SOURCE_MODE_OFF_CHIP         = 0x80000000, ///< peak lands off edge of chip


Flags associated with measurements
mextract.dbflags == mextract.db_flags
ID_MEAS_NOCAL          = 0x00000001,  // detection ignored for this analysis (photcode, time range) -- internal only
ID_MEAS_POOR_PHOTOM    = 0x00000002,  // detection is photometry outlier                                               
ID_MEAS_SKIP_PHOTOM    = 0x00000004,  // detection was ignored for photometry measurement                               
ID_MEAS_AREA           = 0x00000008,  // detection near image edge                                                 

ID_MEAS_POOR_ASTROM    = 0x00000010,  // detection is astrometry outlier                                               
ID_MEAS_SKIP_ASTROM    = 0x00000020,  // detection was ignored for astrometry measurement                               
ID_MEAS_USED_OBJ       = 0x00000040,  // detection was used during update objects 
ID_MEAS_USED_CHIP      = 0x00000080,  // detection was used during update chips (XXX this probably does not make it into the db)

ID_MEAS_BLEND_MEAS     = 0x00000100,  // detection is within radius of multiple objects
ID_MEAS_BLEND_OBJ      = 0x00000200,  // multiple detections within radius of object
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_3        = 0x00000400,  // unused
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_4        = 0x00000800,  // unused

ID_MEAS_BLEND_MEAS_X   = 0x00001000,  // detection is within radius of multiple objects across catalogs                   
ID_MEAS_ARTIFACT       = 0x00002000,  // detection is thought to be non-astronomical                               
ID_MEAS_UNDEF_5        = 0x00004000,  // unused
ID_MEAS_PHOTOM_UBERCAL = 0x00008000,  // externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis

ID_MEAS_STACK_PRIMARY  = 0x00010000,  // externally-supplied zero point from ubercal analysis                   
ID_MEAS_STACK_PHOT_SRC = 0x00020000,  // this measurement supplied the stack photometry


 Update 07/30/15 04:02:53 (3 months ago)

/* Average.flags values -- these values are 32 bit (as of PS1_V1) */

 ID_STAR_FEW          = 0x00000001, // used within relphot: skip star 
 ID_STAR_POOR         = 0x00000002, // used within relphot: skip star 
 ID_ICRF_QSO          = 0x00000004, // object IDed with known ICRF quasar (may have ICRF position measurement) 
 ID_OTHEF_QSO         = 0x00000008, // object IDed with known or suspected quasar, without ICRF reference data 
 ID_PROPER            = 0x00000010, // star with large proper motion 
 ID_TRANSIENT         = 0x00000020, // identified as a non-periodic (stationary) transient 
 ID_VARIABLE          = 0x00000040, // identified as a period variable 
 ID_ASTEROID          = 0x00000080, // identified with a known solar-system object (asteroid or other) 
 // bits 0x00000100 - 0x00008000 are currently unused 
 ID_STAR_FIT_AVE      = 0x00010000, // average position fitted 
 ID_STAR_FIT_PM       = 0x00020000, // proper motion fitted 
 ID_STAR_FIT_PAR      = 0x00040000, // parallax fitted 
 ID_STAR_USE_AVE      = 0x00080000, // average position used (not PM or PAR) 
 ID_STAR_USE_PM       = 0x00100000, // proper motion used (not AVE or PAR) 
 ID_STAR_USE_PAR      = 0x00200000, // parallax used (not AVE or PM) 
 ID_STAR_NO_ASTROM    = 0x00400000, // mean astrometry could not be measured 
 ID_STAR_BAD_PM       = 0x00800000, // mean astrometry could not be measured 
 ID_OBJ_EXT           = 0x01000000, // extended in our data (eg, PS) 
 ID_OBJ_EXT_ALT       = 0x02000000, // extended in external data (eg, 2MASS) 
 ID_OBJ_GOOD          = 0x04000000, // good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS) 
 ID_OBJ_GOOD_ALT      = 0x08000000, // good-quality measurement in  external data (eg, 2MASS) 
 ID_OBJ_GOOD_STACK    = 0x10000000, // good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack) 
 ID_OBJ_SUSPECT_STACK = 0x20000000, // suspect object in the stack (> 1 good or suspect stack, < 2 good) 
 ID_OBJ_BAD_STACK     = 0x40000000, // good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)  



Update 2013.08
Flags associated with average objects (avextract.flags == avextract.objflags == avextract.obj_flags == mextract.objflags == mextract.obj_flags)
ID_STAR_FEW       = 0x00000001, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_STAR_POOR      = 0x00000002, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_PROPER         = 0x00000400, // star with large proper motion
ID_TRANSIENT      = 0x00001000, // is this mutually exclusive with USNO?
ID_VARIABLE       = 0x00002000, // not currently set?
ID_ASTEROID       = 0x00002000, // identified with an asteroid
ID_BAD_OBJECT     = 0x00004000, // if all measurements are bad, set this bit
ID_MOVING         = 0x00008000, // is a moving object
ID_ROCK           = 0x0000a000, // 0x8000 + 0x2000
ID_GHOST          = 0x0000c001, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0001
ID_TRAIL          = 0x0000c002, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0002
ID_BLEED          = 0x0000c003, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0003
ID_COSMIC         = 0x0000c004, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0004
ID_STAR_FIT_AVE   = 0x00010000, // average position fitted
ID_STAR_FIT_PM    = 0x00020000, // proper motion fitter
ID_STAR_FIT_PAR   = 0x00040000, // parallax fitted
ID_STAR_USE_AVE   = 0x00080000, // average position used (not PM or PAR)
ID_STAR_USE_PM    = 0x00100000, // proper motion used (not AVE or PAR)
ID_STAR_USE_PAR   = 0x00200000, // parallax used (not AVE or PM)
ID_STAR_NO_ASTROM = 0x00400000, // mean astrometry could not be measured
ID_OBJ_EXT        = 0x01000000, // extended in our data (eg, PS)
ID_OBJ_EXT_ALT    = 0x02000000, // extended in external data (eg, 2MASS)
ID_OBJ_GOOD       = 0x04000000, // good-quality measurement in our data (eg,PS)
ID_OBJ_GOOD_ALT   = 0x08000000, // good-quality measurement in  external data (eg, 2MASS)
ID_OBJ_GOOD_STACK = 0x10000000, // good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)
reference (
ID_OBJ_SUSPECT_STACK = 0x20000000, // suspect object in the stack (> 1 good or suspect stack, < 2 good)
ID_OBJ_BAD_STACK  = 0x40000000, // good-quality object in the stack (> 1 good stack)
Good stars (flags and '1340F403'x) eq '10000000'x  --> ask Roger
Flags associated with average objects (avextract.flags == avextract.objflags == avextract.obj_flags == mextract.objflags == mextract.obj_flags)
ID_STAR_FEW     = 0x00000001, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_STAR_POOR    = 0x00000002, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_PROPER       = 0x00000400, // star with large proper motion
ID_TRANSIENT    = 0x00001000, // is this mutually exclusive with USNO? 
ID_VARIABLE     = 0x00002000, // not currently set?
ID_ASTEROID     = 0x00002000, // identified with an asteroid
ID_BAD_OBJECT   = 0x00004000, // if all measurements are bad, set this bit
ID_MOVING       = 0x00008000, // is a moving object
ID_ROCK         = 0x0000a000, // 0x8000 + 0x2000
ID_GHOST        = 0x0000c001, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0001
ID_TRAIL        = 0x0000c002, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0002
ID_BLEED        = 0x0000c003, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0003 
ID_COSMIC       = 0x0000c004, // 0x8000 + 0x4000 + 0x0004 
ID_STAR_FIT_AVE = 0x00010000, // average position fitted
ID_STAR_FIT_PM  = 0x00020000, // proper motion fitted
ID_STAR_FIT_PAR = 0x00040000, // parallax fitted
ID_STAR_USE_AVE = 0x00080000, // average position used (not PM or PAR)
ID_STAR_USE_PM  = 0x00100000, // proper motion used (not AVE or PAR)
ID_STAR_USE_PAR = 0x00200000, // parallax used (not AVE or PM)
ID_OBJ_EXT      = 0x01000000, // extended in our data (eg, PS)
ID_OBJ_EXT_ALT  = 0x02000000, // extended in external data (eg, 2MASS)
ID_OBJ_GOOD     = 0x04000000, // good-quality measurement in our data (eg, PS)
ID_OBJ_GOOD_ALT = 0x08000000, // good-quality measurement in external data (eg, 2MASS)


average photometry flags
/* Secfilt.flags values -- these values are 32 bit (as of PS1_V1) */
ID_SECF_STAR_FEW      = 0x00000001, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_SECF_STAR_POOR     = 0x00000002, // used within relphot: skip star
ID_SECF_USE_SYNTH     = 0x00000004, // synthetic photometry used in average measurement
ID_SECF_USE_UBERCAL   = 0x00000008, // synthetic photometry used in average measurement
ID_SECF_HAS_PS1       = 0x00000010, // PS1 photometry used in average measurement
ID_SECF_HAS_STACK     = 0x00000020, // PS1 stack photometry exists
ID_PHOTOM_PASS_0      = 0x00000100, // average magnitude calculated in 0th pass
ID_PHOTOM_PASS_1      = 0x00000200, // average magnitude calculated in 1th pass
ID_PHOTOM_PASS_2      = 0x00000400, // average magnitude calculated in 2th pass
ID_PHOTOM_PASS_3      = 0x00000800, // average magnitude calculated in 3th pass
ID_PHOTOM_PASS_4      = 0x00001000, // average magnitude calculated in 4th pass
ID_PSPS_OBJ_EXT       = 0x00002000, // In PSPS ID_SECF_OBJ_EXT is moved here so it fits within 16 bits
ID_SECF_STACK_PRIMARY = 0x00004000, // PS1 stack photometry comes from primary skycell
ID_SECF_OBJ_EXT       = 0x01000000, // extended in this band


query with imextract imflags
ID_IMAGE_NEW            = 0x00000000,  /* no calibrations yet attempted */
ID_IMAGE_PHOTOM_NOCAL   = 0x00000001,  /* user-set value used within relphot: ignore */
ID_IMAGE_PHOTOM_POOR    = 0x00000002,  /* relphot says image is bad (dMcal > limit) */
ID_IMAGE_PHOTOM_SKIP    = 0x00000004,  /* user-set value: assert that this image has bad photometry */
ID_IMAGE_PHOTOM_FEW     = 0x00000008,  /* currently too few measurements for photometry */
ID_IMAGE_ASTROM_NOCAL   = 0x00000010,  /* user-set value used within relastro: ignore */
ID_IMAGE_ASTROM_POOR    = 0x00000020,  /* relastro says image is bad (dR,dD > limit) */
ID_IMAGE_ASTROM_FAIL    = 0x00000040,  /* relastro fit diverged, fit not applied */
ID_IMAGE_ASTROM_SKIP    = 0x00000080,  /* user-set value: assert that this image has bad astrometry */
ID_IMAGE_ASTROM_FEW     = 0x00000100,  /* currently too few measurements for astrometry */
ID_IMAGE_PHOTOM_UBERCAL = 0x00000200,  /* externally-supplied photometry zero point from ubercal analysis */

2MASS flags

Reference :

IPP Object Catalogue Bitmasks - PS1 V1

This is much useful.
Reference :