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  1. 基于LAMOST光谱巡天的Be星搜寻
    林建争; 陈力; 锺靖, 2016, 天文学进展 V34, P 18
  2. An Isolated Compact Galaxy Triplet
    Feng, Shuai; Shao Zhengyi, Shen, Shiyin, Fernández, María et al., 2016, RAA accepted(arXiv)
  3. A sample of galaxy pairs identified from the LAMOST spectral survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    Shen, Shiyin et al.; 2016, RAA accepted (arXiv)
  4. LAMOST 1: A Disrupted Satellite in the Constellation Draco
    Vickers, John J.; Smith, Martin C. et al. 2016, ApJL, 816, 2,(ADS)
  5. Selecting M Giants with Infrared Photometry: Distances, Metallicities, and the Sagittarius Stream
    Li, Jing.; Smith, Martin C. et al. 2016, ApJ, 823, 59,(ADS)
  6. New tidal debris nearby the Sagittarius leading tail from the LAMOST DR2 M giant stars
    Li, Jing.; Liu, Chao. et al. 2016, RAA, 16h, 8L,(ADS)


  1. Double-lined M-dwarf Eclipsing Binaries from Catalina Sky Survey and LAMOST
    Lee, Chien-Hsiu and Lin, Chien-Cheng, 2016, RAA, accepted (PDF)
  2. Two Groups of Red Giants with Distinct Chemical Abundances in the Bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6553 Through the Eyes of APOGEE
    Tang, Baitian; et al. (including Lin, Chien-Cheng), 2016, MNRAS, accepted (ADS)
  3. Low-resolution spectral analysis of early-type Hα emission stars from the second data release(DR2) of the LAMOST
    Hou, Wen; et al. (including Lin, Chien-Cheng), 2016, RAA, accepted (ADS)
  4. The SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: selecting emission line galaxies using the Fisher discriminant
    Raichoor, A. et al., 2016, A&A, 585, 50 (ADS)
  5. Be Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 6830
    Yu, Po-Chieh; Lin, Chien-Cheng; et al., 2016, AJ, 151, 121 (ADS)

2015 publications

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