Here, I used the v1_2_0 version catalog of MaNGA "MaNGA_targets_extNSA_tiled.fits" and 40 of ALFALFA.[1] I also supplemented the SDSS information to ALFALFA 40 catalog through PhotoObjID.
To match these two catalogs, I chosed "RA"&"DEC" in MaNGA catalog, and "ra"&"dec" given by SDSS which had been supplemented to ALFALFA catalog. I did not use "RAdeg_OC" and "DECdeg_OC" in the ALFALFA catalog because they are different with the SDSS ra & dec for the same PhotoObjID object. It could because that the SDSS catalog has changed the galaxy properties a little bit after DR7, ALFALFA might used the old value (DR7).
- I got 2300 matched sources within 3", the spatial distribution is as follows.
- The stellar mass distribution
- The redshift distribtuion
- The r-band petromag r90/r50 distribution