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2021年11月22日 (一) 05:39的版本


First author

  1. Compact Groups of Galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey and LAMOST Spectral Survey. II. Dynamical Properties of Isolated and Embedded Groups
    Zheng, Yun-Liang; Shen, Shi-Yin, 2021, ApJ, 911, 195 (ADS)
    Data Files: cCGs.tar



First author

  1. Probabilistic Modeling of Asteroid Diameters from Gaia DR2 Errors
    Rafael S. de Souza et al., 2021, RNAAS, 5, 8, id.199, (ADS)
  2. Exploring open cluster properties with Gaia and LAMOST
    Zhong, Jing; Chen, Li; Wu, Di; Li, Lu; Bai, Leya; Hou, Jinliang, 2020, A&A, 640, 127(ADS)
  3. Stellar population synthesis of galaxies with chemical evolution mode
    Shen, Shiyin; Yin, Jun, 2020, IAUS, 341, 147 (ADS)
  4. Compact Groups of Galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey and LAMOST Spectral Survey. I. The Catalog
    Zheng, Yun-Liang; Shen, Shi-Yin, 2020, ApJS, 246, 12 (ADS)
    Data Files: cCGs.tar
  5. SDSS-IV MaNGA: Kinematic Asymmetry as an Indicator of Galaxy Interaction in Paired Galaxies
    Feng, Shuai; Shen, Shi-Yin; Yuan, Fang-Ting; Riffel, Rogemar A.; Pan, Kaike, 2020, ApJL, 892L, 20, (ADS)
  6. Kinematic asymmetry of galaxy pairs
    Feng, Shuai; Shen, Shi-Yin; Yuan, Fang-Ting, 2020, IAUS, 353, 262, IAUS..353 (ADS)
  7. Modeling Unresolved Binaries of Open Clusters in the Color–Magnitude Diagram. I. Method and Application of NGC 3532
    Lu Li, Zhengyi Shao, Zhao-Zhou Li, Jincheng Yu, Jing Zhong, Li Chen, 2020, ApJ, 901, 49 ([1])
  8. Radial resolved galaxy disks models based on semi-analytic models of galaxy formation"
    Fu Jian, 2020, IAUS, 341, 273


  1. Active learning with RESSPECT: Resource allocation for extragalactic astronomical transients
    Kennamer, Noble; Ishida, Emille E. O.; Gonzalez-Gaitan, Santiago; de Souza, Rafael S.; Ihler, Alexander; Ponder, Kara; Vilalta, Ricardo; Moller, Anais; Jones, David O.; Dai, Mi; Krone-Martins, Alberto; Quint, Bruno; Sreejith, Sreevarsha; Malz, Alex I.; Galbany, Lluis, 2020, Accepted to the 2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (ADS)
  1. 21st Century Statistical and Computational Challenges in Astrophysics
    Feigelson, Eric D., Rafael S de Souza, Ishida, Emille E. O, Jogesh Babu, Gutti, 2020, Accepted for publication in volume 8 of Annual Reviews of Statistics and Its Application (ADS)
  2. Ridges in the Dark Energy Survey for cosmic trough identification
    Ben Moews, Morgan A Schmitz, Andrew J Lawler, Joe Zuntz, Alex I Malz, Rafael S de Souza, Ricardo Vilalta, Alberto Krone-Martins, Emille E O Ishida, for the COIN Collaboration, 2020, Accepted for publication in MNRAS (ADS)
  3. Unveiling the Hierarchical Structure of Open Star Clusters: The Perseus Double Cluster
    Yu, Heng; Shao, Zhengyi; Diaferio, Antonaldo; Li, Lu, 2020, ApJ, 899, 144 ([2])
  4. Learning in Big Data: Introduction to Machine Learning
    El Bouchefry, Khadija, Rafael S de Souza, 2020, Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation, 1st Edition, ISBN: 978-0-128-19154-5. Elsevier, p.225-249 (ADS)
  5. L-GALAXIES 2020: Spatially resolved cold gas phases, star formation, and chemical enrichment in galactic discs
    Henriques, Bruno M. B.; Yates, Robert M.; Fu, Jian et al. 2020MNRAS.491.5795H,
  6. Direct Measurement of the H I-halo Mass Relation through Stacking
    Guo, Hong; Jones, Michael G.; Haynes, Martha P.; Fu, Jian 2020ApJ.894.92G,
  7. Predictions for the FAST telescope's CRAFTS extragalactic H I survey
    Zhang, Kai; Wu, Jingwen;… Fu Jian et al. 2020MNRAS.500.1741Z,


First author

  1. Bivariate Luminosity Function of Galaxy Pairs
    Feng, Shuai; Shen, Shi-Yin; Yuan, Fang-Ting; Luo, A. -Li; Zhang, Jian-Nan; Wang, Meng-Xin; Wang, Xia; Li, Yin-Bi; Hou, Wen; Kong, Xiao; Guo, Yan-Xin; Zuo, Fang, 2019,ApJ, 880,114 (ADS)
  2. Value-added Catalogs of M-type Stars in LAMOST DR5
    Zhong, Jing; Li, Jing; Carlin, Jeffrey L.; Chen, Li; Mendez, Rene A.; Hou, Jinliang, 2019,ApJS, 224,8Z (ADS)
  3. Substructure and halo population of Double Cluster h and χ Persei
    Zhong, Jing; Chen, Li; Kouwenhoven, M. B. N.; Li, Lu; Shao, Zhengyi; Hou, Jinliang, 2019,A&A, 624A,34Z (ADS)
  4. Properties of LBGs with [OIII] detection at z ∼ 3.5. The importance of including nebular emission data in SED fitting
    Yuan, Fang-Ting; Burgarella, Denis; Corre, David; Buat, Veronique; Boquien, Médéric; Shen, Shiyin, 2019,A&A, 631, 123, (ADS)
  5. Gaia parallax of Milky Way globular clusters - A solution of mixture model
    Shao, Zhengyi; Li, Lu, 2019, MNRAS, 489, 3093 (ADS)


  1. Double-peaked narrow emission-line galaxies in LAMOST survey
    Wang, M. -X.; Luo, A. -L.; Song, Y. -H.; Shen, S. -Y.; Feng, S.; Wang, L. -L.; Wang, Y. -F.; Li, Y. -B.; Du, B.; Hou, W.; Guo, Y. -X.; Kong, X.; Zhang, J. -N., 2019, MNRAS.482,1889(ADS)
  2. Stellar Chromospheric Activity and Age Relation from Open Clusters in the LAMOST Survey
    Zhang, Jiajun; Zhao, Jingkun; Oswalt, Terry D.; Fang, Xiangsong; Zhao, Gang; Liang, Xilong; Ye, Xianhao; Zhong, Jing, 2019, ApJ, 887,84Z(ADS)
  3. Properties of Radial Velocities Measurement Based on LAMOST-II Medium-resolution Spectroscopic Observations
    Wang, R.; Luo, A. -L.; Chen, J. -J.; Bai, Z. -R.; Chen, L.; Chen, X. -F.; Dong, S. -B.; Du, B.; Fu, J. -N.; Han, Z. -W.; Hou, J. -L.'; Hou, Y. -H.; Hou, W.; Jiang, D. -K.; Kong, X.; Li, L. -F.; Liu, C.; Liu, J. -M.; Qin, L.; Shi, J. -R. Tian, H.; Wu, H.; Wu, C. -J.; Xie, J. -W.; Zhang, H. -T.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, G.; Zhao, Y. -H.; Zhong, J.; Zong, W. -K.; Zuo, F., 2019, ApJS,244,27(ADS)
  4. Tracing Kinematic and Chemical Properties of Sagittarius Stream by K-Giants, M-Giants, and BHB stars
    Yang, Chengqun; Xue, Xiang-Xiang; Li, Jing; Liu, Chao; Zhang, Bo; Rix, Hans-Walter; Zhang, Lan; Zhao, Gang; Tian, Hao; Zhong, Jing; Xing, Qianfan; Wu, Yaqian; Li, Chengdong; Carlin, Jeffrey L.; Chang, Jiang, 2019, ApJ,886,154(ADS)
  5. Exploring the star formation histories of galaxies in different environments from MaNGA spectra
    Argudo-Fernández, M.; Boquien, M.; Yuan, F.; Shen, S.; Yin, J.; Chang, R., 2019,BAAA, 61, 201(ADS)

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