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==Zheng Zhenya ==
==Zheng Zhenya ==

* high redshift galaxies
===Epoch of Reionization (EoR)===
* ---
* How to probe EoR via galaxies?
* 21cm & Ly-α in EoR

===High-Redshift Galaxies===
* Physical properties of high-redshift galaxies
* Evolution of high-redshift galaxies
* Galaxy protoclusters at high-redshift

==Zhu Lin ==
==Zhu Lin ==

Latest revision as of 08:39, 24 June 2020

Guo Hong

  • large scale structure of galaxy distribution
  • ---

Hao Lei

  • ionized gas of galaxies
  • ---

Shen Shiyin

thumb shiyin

Galaxy pair and galaxy interaction

  • How to quantify the merging stage of galaxy pairs? Kinemetry, Morphlogy?
  • Physical process in different stages?
galaxy pair merging stage(2020ApJ...892L..20F)

Compact groups of galaxies

  • the largest and most complete low redshift compact groups of galaxies(CGs) sample selected from SDSS and LAMOST.
  • Dynamics and physical nature CGs?
compact groups of galaxies in SDSS+LAMOST (2020ApJS..246...12Z)

Dust geometry of galaxies

  • How to measure or quantify the geometry of the dust components?
  • How the dust geometries affect the observed properties of galaxies?
dust geometry model of disk galaxies

HII regions of galaxies

  • Identify HII regions in local star-forming galaxies using MaNGA data.
  • Characterize the star formation process of HII regions.
HII regions identified from MaNGA maps

Zheng Zhenya

Epoch of Reionization (EoR)

  • How to probe EoR via galaxies?
  • 21cm & Ly-α in EoR

High-Redshift Galaxies

  • Physical properties of high-redshift galaxies
  • Evolution of high-redshift galaxies
  • Galaxy protoclusters at high-redshift

Zhu Lin

  • galactic dynamics
  • ---