pro mask_skyline,specname,path=path,dir=dir,skywave,noplot=noplot,outdir=outdir ; locate the spectrum ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if keyword_set(path) and keyword_set(dir) then begin filename=strtrim(path,2)+strtrim(dir,2)+strtrim(specname,2) endif else begin filename=specname endelse if not file_test(filename) then begin print,'The spectrum does not exist, please check again...' return endif ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;read the spectrum ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% spec = MRDFITS(filename, 0, hdr) flux = spec[*,0] ;invertvar = spec[1,*] ;andmask = spec[3,*] ;ormask = spec[4,*] wave0 = sxpar(hdr, 'COEFF0') dwave = sxpar(hdr, 'COEFF1') Ra=sxpar(hdr,'RA') Dec=sxpar(hdr,'DEC') nx=sxpar(hdr,'NAXIS1') logwaverange = lindgen(nx)*dwave + wave0 waverange = 10.0^(logwaverange) ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; mark skyline in wavelength ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% skymask = intarr(nx)*0 skynum = n_elements(skywave) for i = 0, skynum-1 do begin sel=where(abs(waverange-skywave[i]) lt 0.8,Nsel) if Nsel gt 0 then skymask[sel] = 1 endfor mask=where(skymask eq 1,Nm) print,nm,' sky emission line mask' ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%% fit continuum and finding peaks flux_fit = robust_poly_fit(waverange, flux, 6, flux_mean) flux_residual = abs(flux - flux_mean) flux_sigma = robust_sigma(flux_residual) flux_peakfind = where((flux gt (flux_mean + flux_sigma*3.0) or flux lt flux_mean-flux_sigma*3.0) and flux ne 0,Npeak) sky_peak= where((flux gt (flux_mean + flux_sigma*3.0) or flux lt flux_mean-flux_sigma*3.0) and flux ne 0 and skymask eq 1,Nskypeak) ;%%% subtract skyflux peaks caused peaks sel=where((flux gt flux_mean+flux_sigma*3 or flux lt flux_mean-flux_sigma*3) and skymask eq 1 and flux ne 0.,fcount) flux_mask=flux if fcount gt 0 then flux_mask[sel] = flux_mean[sel] ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; plot ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if keyword_set(noplot) then goto,next psfile=replace_string(specname,'.fits','') ps_start,psfile,/metric ; define yrange if abs(max(flux_mean) - flux_sigma) gt 100. then begin ymax = max(flux_mean) + 1.2*max(flux_mean) ymin = min(flux_mean) - 1.2*max(flux_mean) endif else begin ymax = max(flux_mean) + 25.*flux_sigma ymin = min(flux_mean) - 25.*flux_sigma endelse ; plot origin spectrum, continuum and peaks cgplot, waverange, flux, xrange=[min(waverange)-150, max(waverange)+150], xstyle=1, $ yrange=[ymin, ymax], ystyle=1, xthick=2, ythick=2, $ charsize=1.5, charthick=2, xtitle=textoidl('Wavelength (\AA)'), ytitle='Flux',title=specname,noclip=0 cgplots, waverange, flux_mean, color='green' if Nskypeak gt 0 then $ cgplots, waverange[sky_peak], flux[sky_peak], psym=9, symsize=0.2, color='red',noclip=0 ; plot sky peaks skywavey = fltarr(n_elements(skywave)) + (max(flux_mean) + 10.*flux_sigma) cgplots, skywave, skywavey, psym=11, symsize=0.4, color='blue' ; smooth and plot smooth spectrum flux_s = smooth(flux_mask, 5) cgplots, waverange, flux_s-0.55*ymax,noclip=0 cgtext, 0.75, 0.88, charthick=2, 'RA= '+strtrim(string(Ra),2), /normal cgtext, 0.75, 0.84, charthick=2, 'Dec= '+strtrim(string(Dec),2), /normal ps_end ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; no plot jump to here: output the spectrum after mask next: ;%%% write reduced fits file if not keyword_set(outdir) then outdir = 'redu_spec' if File_test(outdir, /dir) eq 0 then file_mkdir, outdir outfile=outdir+'/'+replace_string(specname,'.fits','_msky.fits') sxdelpar, hdr, 'NAXIS2' sxaddpar, hdr, 'NAXIS2',2 outtab=dblarr(nx,2) outtab[*,0]=flux_mask outtab[*,1]=skymask mwrfits,outtab,outfile, hdr, /create END